How to support us
Do you want to show your support for veterans? We are gratefully for any donations received.
Direct donation – Help us buy a Dive Boat
Wyvern Resilience gains its funding through charging subsidised rates for courses and by partnering with other ex-service organisations (ESOs). This funding is never enough for us to provide the level of support we want to give to our veteran community. Any extra donations can be used to support a larger number of veterans on programs, provide training courses to mentors or to use a veteran owned company to provide equipment or logistic support. More money, used effectively, allows us to give back to a greater number of deserving veterans.
We currently have a fundraising campaign going through the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) to raise funds to buy a dive boat for the club. We have utilised the ASF so that your donation will be straight forward and tax deductible. Having a boat will increase the level of participation from veterans and provide meaningful activities that they would normally have to pay hundreds of dollars for. Any donation will be deeply appreciated and can be processed through the link below:
Outside of this fundraising campaign if you want directly support our veteran programs please send you donation to:
PayID: admin@wyvernresilience.org
Wyvern Resilience Ltd, BSB: 313 – 140 Acc No. 12398895

Are you a veteran with time on your hands to volunteer? We are always looking for volunteers to support our programs.
Donate your time
Our programs are a terrific opportunity to get together with fellow veterans and enjoy the camaraderie that our service careers provided. Volunteering provides also provides you a chance to provide support to veterans who are missing the communal atmosphere and adventures of their military service. For all volunteers, Wyvern Resilience will provide orientation and will help with expenses. Regular volunteers will be offered further training to enhance their skillsets and opportunities with the veteran-focused clubs affiliated with Wyvern Resilience.
Do you have excess serviceable dive gear that you don’t use anymore? Why not donate it to Wyvern Resilience to support our programs?
Donate your excess dive gear
All of our programs require dive equipment and new dive equipment is expensive. We have members of the club who can conduct inspections and minor servicing of donated equipment. Any gear we receive from you means that we don’t have to use hard earned funding to buy new equipment, as used serviceable and safe equipment will do the job.